Re-opening your business after Covid 19?
Here are a few guidelines that we hope you find useful.
1. Hire a professional, experienced and reputable cleaning company who will firstly complete a deep clean to your property. (If finances are limited and you are tackling the cleaning yourself, take one room at a time and start from the top and one corner - working your way around the room like a spiral.)
Remove dust first with a dry applicator if layered.
TopTip 💫 Cif and a sponge works great on white pvc windows.
Open windows to air while cleaning.
2. Remember you need to clean first before you disinfect or sanitise.
Think of it like a blank canvas before painting / spraying using any of the new gadgets.
3. Physically walk around your property and make yourself aware of the touch point areas.
Include door handles, coffee machines, printers, pull cords blinds, light switches etc
Schedule these to be sanitised twice daily.
Vicki’s tip ✨remember the pump spray or/and under the sanitising unit and back wall. Think of where your hands are.
4. The general areas should be cleaned daily also using a recommended disinfectant.
5. If you have employees who work for you consider having a cleaning station and schedule a time when each person should clean their desk.
Use roll or disposable cloths to avoid cross contamination.